Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Reading with Fluency and Expression

I have been learning to read with fluency and expression:

  • scan along with my eyes (not just reading word by word
  • think of the first sound and get ready to say it
  • Look for the punctuation - the beginning and end of sentences

Reflection:  I've got better at reading aloud.  I really keep looking at the words.  I felt proud when I heard it.  Its better than the other one.  Ali  22.11.17

1 comment:

Mrs Templeton said...

Wow, Ali, I'm glad we decided to show the improvement over a term. this book Mya's finger was trickier than last time, It was unseen with just a quick look first. You read this really well at a good pace and without getting caught up on little words. Keep reading lots and lots.