Thursday, November 23, 2017

Describing Fireworks

This term we have been learning to:

  • use interesting words
  • use describing words
  • use our senses (what we see, hear, feel etc)
  • use a language feature like:  onomatopoeia, simile

It was a bit tricky for me to spell the words but I didn't gave up.  It helped me to find the words I wanted on the word bank.  Next time I could use more describing words.
Ali  23.11.17

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Reading with Fluency and Expression

I have been learning to read with fluency and expression:

  • scan along with my eyes (not just reading word by word
  • think of the first sound and get ready to say it
  • Look for the punctuation - the beginning and end of sentences

Reflection:  I've got better at reading aloud.  I really keep looking at the words.  I felt proud when I heard it.  Its better than the other one.  Ali  22.11.17

Monday, November 20, 2017

Money Madness

We have been learning to:

  • recognise and identify NZ coins and notes and their values
  • make amounts by totalling coins and notes using tens and ones
  • make amounts in different ways
Reflection:  It was a bit tricky, I had to think hard about which notes and coins to use.
It was easier to have the total on so that I could see how much more I needed.