Thursday, November 23, 2017

Describing Fireworks

This term we have been learning to:

  • use interesting words
  • use describing words
  • use our senses (what we see, hear, feel etc)
  • use a language feature like:  onomatopoeia, simile

It was a bit tricky for me to spell the words but I didn't gave up.  It helped me to find the words I wanted on the word bank.  Next time I could use more describing words.
Ali  23.11.17

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Reading with Fluency and Expression

I have been learning to read with fluency and expression:

  • scan along with my eyes (not just reading word by word
  • think of the first sound and get ready to say it
  • Look for the punctuation - the beginning and end of sentences

Reflection:  I've got better at reading aloud.  I really keep looking at the words.  I felt proud when I heard it.  Its better than the other one.  Ali  22.11.17

Monday, November 20, 2017

Money Madness

We have been learning to:

  • recognise and identify NZ coins and notes and their values
  • make amounts by totalling coins and notes using tens and ones
  • make amounts in different ways
Reflection:  It was a bit tricky, I had to think hard about which notes and coins to use.
It was easier to have the total on so that I could see how much more I needed.  

Monday, October 30, 2017

Exhibit For the Elm Park School Art Display

We created decorative Maori kites, weaving in colours and textures to represent 'We are Elm Park"

Monday, September 4, 2017

Daffodil Diamante

I am learning to write a Diamante Poem 

  • use interesting (WOW) words to describe Daffodils 
  • use a graphic organiser to help me form my diamond poem

It was hard to spell the words but I could think about some words.  I needed help to spell them.  Ali  01.09.17

You did a great job with a little support Ali.  You chose some good words, I like growing, opening, blooming.  Just keep trying to record the sounds you can hear in order.  
Mrs Templeton 01.09.17

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Reading to an Audience

I am learning to read to an audience using phrasing and expression.

Reflection:  I still get stuck on some words.  I think I did the first page really good.  Ali 30.08.17

Well done Ali, you did really well with the first two pages.  It helps you to read the text through in your mind first so that you can scan the line.  Check those sounds carefully and think about what the words might be as you go.
Mrs Templeton  31.08.17

Monday, August 21, 2017

Geometry: Learning to Classify 3D Shapes

I am learning to sort, group, name and describe 3D shapes using my own words and the language of geometry

Reflection:  It was a bit hard to count the faces and the edges.  It was easy to name the shapes but I had to look at the list to spell them.  I used the shapes to help me count.  Ali  21.08.17

Ali, you did a great job especially having your tonsils out during this study.  Well done you've used great problem-solving skills and shown amazing resilience.
Mrs Templeton  21.08.17

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Learning about Place Value using hundreds, tens and ones

I am learning to:

  • read, say, and make two and 3 digit numbers using place value equipment

Reflection:  I can show the numbers using the equipment,  I could learn to do some adding with bigger numbers  - Ali  07.06.17

Well done Ali.  you managed this task well.  You are able to say the numbers and recognise 0 as a placeholder.  Mrs Templeton  07.06.17 

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Learning to recognise digraphs, blends, base words and endings to help me read.

I have been learning to...

  • recognise digraphs and blends
  • recognise base words and endings

Monday, May 22, 2017

Choosing words to add interest to my Writing

I am learning to choose words to add interest to my Writing

I liked the words amazing and wonderful.  I think I could have chosen some other words too.
I needed help me check my spelling.  Ali  22.05.17

Well done Ali, you tried hard with this.  You chose a range of words to describe your mum. 
Its really good to share ideas in brainstorms to help us create a word bank of 'WOW words.
Mrs Templeton  22.05.17

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Learning to Plan my Writing

I am learning to use a plan to organise my ideas for writing.

I will be successful when:

  • I can plan my ideas before I write
  • I can use quick pictures and words
  • my writing shows the ideas and details from my plan

After I plan, I can get help to sound the tricky words before I start writing my story.
I found raced, rest, food, and sponge tricky.  I found it hard to write a story day by day. 
Ali  10.04.17

A good start Ali.  Planning will really help you to see the words you will find very tricky to spell and sound.  You show resilience when you ask for help to do this.  Your plan shows three different ideas that you can add details to in your story about fun at the Tip Top Fun Day.  Mrs Templeton  10.04.17

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Learning to identify sounds in words to help my reading

I am learning to:

  • identify phonic sounds and letters
  • use Reading Eggs to help me learn a range of sounds in words
  • recognise beginning, end and medial vowel sounds in three letter words

I am learning to write the sounds, I kept the middle and changed the beginning and the end. I learned different words.  This activity was easy for me.  I find it tricky to sound a and u.

Well done Ali. 'a' is tricky because we say it differently for the word 'a' which you think of from reading.  Think of the 'a' as a as in CAT  and 'u' as in CUT.
Mrs Templeton  28.03.16

Statistics: Learning to sort, count, display and make statements about the information

I have been learning to: 

  • sort objects into categories for display and make a class pictograph with support
  • discuss the results and make statements

I have been learning to count how high blocks went.  It was tricky when it went in the middle.  I had to think about the number that came before.  Ali  28.03.17

Well done Ali, I like the way you asked for help when you needed it to work out what 
the totals were.  Keep trying to talk about the data and describe what the information is telling you e.g. on Mathletics.   Mrs Templeton  28.03.17

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Water Skills: Learning to be safe and confident in and around water.

I am learning to be safe and confident in and around water.

This term I am improving my skills to swim freestyle, without stopping, to the other side of the pool

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Welcome to my 2017 Learning Journey

This year I am in Room 10/16 and my teacher is Mrs Templeton