Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Using Notes and Coins

Reflection: It was easy to add some of the money up but some were hard  to do. Next time I will need a bit harder maths to do.  

Meaning of Words

Reflection:  It was hard to think about if the word meanings were right .  I know if I don't know some thing I can search it up in a dictionary . It was easy to do some of the words but some words were hard. Next time I will need some help.  I have been learning to figure out what the words mean.  

Ali 21.11.18

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Wearable Arts

This year we created headbands, pois and a class piuiu (Maori skirt) for our Wearable Arts.  We combined Maori and Pacific cultures to send a message about "How Far Will You Go.... to save the oceans from plastic."  We used a Maori Version of the song from Moana.