Thursday, August 31, 2017

Reading to an Audience

I am learning to read to an audience using phrasing and expression.

Reflection:  I still get stuck on some words.  I think I did the first page really good.  Ali 30.08.17

Well done Ali, you did really well with the first two pages.  It helps you to read the text through in your mind first so that you can scan the line.  Check those sounds carefully and think about what the words might be as you go.
Mrs Templeton  31.08.17

Monday, August 21, 2017

Geometry: Learning to Classify 3D Shapes

I am learning to sort, group, name and describe 3D shapes using my own words and the language of geometry

Reflection:  It was a bit hard to count the faces and the edges.  It was easy to name the shapes but I had to look at the list to spell them.  I used the shapes to help me count.  Ali  21.08.17

Ali, you did a great job especially having your tonsils out during this study.  Well done you've used great problem-solving skills and shown amazing resilience.
Mrs Templeton  21.08.17